Saturday, June 2, 2007

Grants For A For-Profit Daycare?

A lot of the email that I get has to do with people asking about grant programs for starting a for-profit daycare business. On my grants page there is a grant program spotlight about a grant program for minorities that want to start their own business. What that spotlight doesn't mention is that one of the recipients of this grant was someone that started their own daycare business. Further down the grants page I talk about 2 grant programs that can be used to start a for-profit business. They are both open for those that want to start a for-profit business. The first is a program that awards $50,000 and it was put in place for those aspiring to start their own business. This funding program was started to help encourage the entrepreneurial spirit! Although not everyone is eligible to apply, once you read their eligibility requirements you can determine if you are eligible to apply.

The second grant program has a $100,000 grant award and what is so significant about this funding program is that you can use the money any way that you like! This funding program was put in place to help people fulfill their dreams and it is open to people that want to start their own business, artists, scientists and teachers.

But getting back to those that want to start their own for-profit daycare business you have to know that there are funding programs out there for you! Just go to my grants page or my daycare page to read more about these funding programs.

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