Thursday, November 8, 2007

How Is This For Results! - Need Some Heating Help This Winter?

Did you know that there are grant programs out there to help you with your heating bills? Not only that, there are also grant programs out there to help you if you need any repairs to your heating system!

How do I know this? I know this because a recent client of mine had their home inspected for a heating-related audit. Guess what they are going to get from the results of the inspection?

  • repairs to their heating system to get it working again

  • new thermostat installed!

  • a NEW hot water heater! (plus installation at no cost!)

  • a NEW refridgerator (because their old one is more than 10 years old and the motor is faulty)

  • new smoke detectors - with the batteries already included!

  • various related additions like weatherstripping and caulk work

If you are worried about being able to make it through the winter then you should definitely check your state's website to see if they have any similar grant programs available in your area.

I had a chance to talk to one of the contractors who is doing the work and he told me that they have already done this kind and similiar kinds of work and repairs to over a hundred qualified applicants!

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