Tuesday, December 6, 2011

"There Are No Grants To Start A Business" - Of Course There Are!

Here is an excerpt from an online site:

"Generally speaking, there are no grants to start a small business. A lot of books get sold and they all refer to the government website....

This is absolutely not true!

In my research of grant programs I have many of them that have been created to help people start their own business. Some of these grant programs are not government grant programs and I think that there is where some of the confusion is.

For example there is a grant program that grants up to $25,000 for those that want to start their own business. However this particular grant program is limited to minorities but if you are a minority (and that includes women) then this is definitely one grant program that you should consider.

You will have to submit a business plan as part of your application but if you are considering starting your own business then you should have a business plan already in place.

The above grant program that I mentioned is not a government grant program it is a grant program that is sponsored by a for-profit business! Maybe that makes it harder to find it because it is not a government grant program but it is a grant program none the less! This is grant money that you do not have to pay back if you get it!

You can see many, many more examples of grant programs to help you start your own business by visiting my Grant Basics 101 Website.

When you visit this site you will see many, many examples of grant program that help you start your own business.

Remember, when you read something that says that there are no grant programs to help you start your own business it is just a myth!

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