Friday, August 3, 2007

A Baptist Church Receives a $100,000 Grant For Their After School Program!

In South Carolina a baptist church has received over $100,000 in grant money to help expand one of their after-school programs. Since this grant program has been opened to faith based organizations that means that churches can now apply for this kind of grant money if and only if they are eligible to apply.

I should also mention that a daycare center also got a grant from this very same grant program!

The purpose of this grant program is to help enhance the kind of education that students get during regular school hours. If an after-school program can help a student improve in their regular studies it helps the student to improve overall. After school programs such as tutoring, mentoring and other skill-enhancing programs are eligible to apply for this grant program. Also if the programs help the parents of these students - such as teaching english, etc then those programs too can be eligible for applying for this grant program.

Originally this grant program started out with only public schools in mind but the reality is that it is not only the public schools that provide valuable skills to help students participate and be able to function in the real world. That is why this particular grant program has now been made available for faith-based and other non-profit organizations to apply for.

However schools are still eligible to apply for this grant program if they have an afterschool program that they feel is worthwhile.

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